Navigating Tomorrow's Success, Today: Turtle Star - Where Insight Meets Integrity!

Symbolizes Luck
Turtles symbolize good luck and luck supersedes all actions of an individual. As portfolio managers we would like to put the best foot forward but would not undermine the importance of luck that the turtle symbolizes.

The turtle survives on land and water, much like how we survived the bull and bear markets of 1992, 2000 and 2008. Enduring through market cycles and having the versatility to adopt to changing times gives us an edge.

The long life of a turtle is reflected in our stock selection for portfolios. A turtle controls its breathe to live long, and we control our churn or portfolio action to live long.

Protective Shell
The turtle goes in their shell rather than face the storm. As portfolio managers, it is better to go in the shell and protect your capital rather than face the wrath of the behavioral forces of market participants.
Why Turtle Star
We have been in the business since 1984. Trust is critical and has been ingrained in our DNA. We strongly believe that trust once lost cannot be regained. This is why we put trust at the cornerstone of our approach. As Portfolio Managers – we take trust seriously as our fiduciary responsibility to do the best possible for our clients. In fact, most of our business is through client referral and we grow because our clients trust us to take the best steps for their financial future.

Any decision to do things is useless if not followed by competent action. Talent is the ability to take a decision forward with competent action. In business of Portolio Mangers, talent lies in cutting the noise from the voice and seeing what everyone is seeing but thinking what no one else has thought. This ability is fostered through knowledge and experience. We build on our experience of surviving and growing in all the recent bull and bear markets of India, not only those in 1992, 2000, 2008, but many more to come in the future.

You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time. The wealth we have created over the past 3 decades is the mark of respect from our clients for our honest, open and transparent actions. There is never any hidden aspect while dealing with us and this gives us good stead from our clients, wherein the client vouches for the best transparent practices that we follow in conducting our business

What People Say About Us
We help you see the world differently, discover opportunities you may never have imagined and achieve results that bridge what is with what can be.

Oliver Simson
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Mary Grey
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Samanta Fox
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Oliver Simson
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Mary Grey
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Samanta Fox
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We help you see the world differently, discover opportunities you may never have imagined and achieve results that bridge what is with what can be.