Our Approach

We are a SEBI Registered Portfolio Managers. We are essentially working to make our clients as Investors. As Robert Kiyosaki puts it – an Individual is either a Businessman or a Professional or an Employee – we make our clients as Investors. Investors have the flexibility of buying any business at any point of time and holding on to them till he desires. Thus an Investor can partner with the best business in the best industry with the best people till the best time is going on, thereafter he can switch to alternates with ease. As Portfolio Managers we try to do this professional job for him.

What We Do

We are SEBI Registered Portfolio Managers, working to turn our clients into Investors. As Robert Kiyosaki puts it – an Individual is either a Businessman or a Professional or an Employee – and they continue to be one for their lives. A pilot remains a pilot for life and cannot become a doctor after 20 years of service or a businessman in steel remains in steel for life but cannot become an IT professional with ease. The only person to have this flexibility is investor. We turn our clients into Investors. Investors have the flexibility of buying any business at any point of time and holding on to them till he desires. Thus an Investor can partner with the best business in the best industry with the best people till the best time is going on, thereafter he can switch to alternates with ease. For eg – if the life cycle is good of Auto Sector – one can hold Auto companies till they want, and if the sector outlook improves for Media sector, one can switch from Auto to Media with ease unlike in any other profession. As Portfolio Managers, we try to do this professional job for him. Though it looks simple but it is not easy. One has to keep their eyes open and ears on the ground 24/ 7. Business cycle and market cycle change without warnings. We have to be glued to our work so that the client can rest. Our prime objective is to create wealth for our clients and ourselves by being a genuine partner with our clients. We do the job for them and help them make their money work 
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How We Do It

Honestly if there was a formula to make money in stock markets, it would have long been found, we believe Stock market is a composition of various factors – not only fundamentals, technicals but also study of the human behavior in the markets. There are various facets – the important ones we think are understanding Macro Theme, Industry life Cycle, Sector opportunity, Company positioning and stock market pricing. Each one of them requires an in-depth understanding and experience of the criss-cross impact it has on one another.

In words of respected Mr. Charlie Munger he calls it the Lollapalooza impact. It is not a work in isolation but an ability to comprehend, understand and dissect the situation to arrive at meaningful decision. We attempt to invest in businesses that are likely to grow mani-fold over a period of time. We try to identify the opportunity early on and ride the wave of their growth journey. The companies we invest in are relatively unfamiliar names. We apply the traditional investment matrix of Business, Management and Valuation and take the investment decision.

Generally businesses grow at a moderate pace in an almost linear fashion over a period of time, but the stock market exhibits a see-saw movement, stock prices fluctuate due to various factors in short term due to sentiments, in medium term due to liquidity and cycles and in long term due to the profits of the underlying companies. We try to differentiate not only between price and value but also try to take a fair assessment of where are we in the market cycle and try to position the portfolio accordingly. We do not attempt to beat a benchmark but focus on wealth creation and hence end up beating the benchmark by miles. So our approach is an accumulation of understanding market cycle, sectors life cycle and identifying companies with management of integrity and zeal for growth and most importantly at prices 

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Investing with Turtle Star

First and foremost the biggest differentiation that we offer is the way we charge fees for our services. Unlike anyone in the industry, we take fees only when we book profits, there is no fixed % charge p.a. or high water mark or fees chargeable on notional basis. We take 15% of profits only when the profits are booked. Also, when we book the profits the residual portfolio on a cumulative basis should be mark to market positive.

For eg – if 5 companies are purchased for Rs 20 lakh each and later on 1 company gets sold for Rs 25 lakh, then the market value of balance 4 stocks should cumulatively be more than Rs 80 lakh (Rs 20 lakh X 4 – Rs 80 Lakh invested value), then we charge our fees of 15% on Rs 5 lakh profit i.e Rs 75000 + 18% GST. The capital gains is the liability of the client. In nutshell, we make money only if client makes money and in order to maximize our returns we have to maximize client returns. This we believe is a partnership in true sense and our interests are aligned with client interests. We are thus partners of client in their long term wealth creation objective. We feel there is a vaccum of honest quality service in the financial world where interest of client is foremost and interest of service provider that a back seat. We are attempting to fill in this gap and focusing on client first and their requirements and needs are of paramount importance to us.

We are an owner driven organization. Various entities are driven by employees and longevity of employee in an organization is for a limited tenure, this is another differentiation from our side. We are answerable to our clients 24 / 7, we have our skin in the game. The entire ethos of Turtle Star Portfolio Managers is to serve the client with integrity, with no hidden objective and to fill in the vacuum that is created in the financial world of an honest partner in wealth creation for our clients.

All our founders namely Sunil Shah, Bimal Choksi and Ashish Shah have been in the markets since early 1990s. We have experienced the bull and bear markets of 1992 – Harshad Mehta, 2000 – Ketan Parikh & 2008 – Lehman Brothers and this rich experience of facing the pain of bear markets makes us stronger and better than the peers and helps us build our client portfolio better. Stock market is where each one of us has spent our entire life as the first and last career. Hence it gives us an edge over others. 

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